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 BBT Gallery



Born: Classified
Height:167 Weight : 60
Occupation: College student, freelance designer, freelance vids clip producer, military reserve.
Call: Indonesian, sundanese, a little bit javanese, pasif in English, Germany, looking for Slavia and Japs now

Love military from a kiddo till now, ever entered Indonesia Air Force Fight Fighter Pilot recruitment but failed coz sum one injured my right eye accidentally with a sharp pencil, luckily i'm not blind just tear a little bit so have to use glasses, i was refused the offer to be the staff, see no fun in it! So i'm continue study in college and join the Military Reserve ( same as US ROTC ) I believe the existence of UFO, Lochness, Tunnel Time, etc...hey does any one ever went to Bermuda or Atlantis?? Never have problems with foods only if to hot / spicy. Why they called me Recon? Coz i love to check all information i get about military gears around the city.... ON FOOT !!! And no one believes that especially Andre. Eiger to seek young and grewn up female for boogey hohohohoo... ..always. .. ^___^ Was noch...umm ah enstchuldigung Sie, Ich fergesse.... .o ja... Itchy and Scratchy Show movie is the best.... Bang Bus nice, Mikes Apartment cool....

Confession: -

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The Tan Ribbon Campaign is formed by BBT Operators.
This site is maintained by Warjunkies (WJ) 1:1 scale military operators.


BBT logo, BlueBox Works logo, Little Military Chick with PASGT helmet + NVG mount wearing nomex gloves & Interceptor Body Armor
and Little Military Chick head with PASGT helmet & NVG mount logo are property of warjunkies aka BlueBox Toys 1:1 scale military operators.
The 'GRUNTS' is founded by Raya "Papa Bear". Warjunkies WJ Punch symbol created by Ullie and 3D rendered by Fairchild.
BBT logo is created by Lambok. Little Military Chick (Warjunkies symbol) is created by Mala. Website & 3D by Fairchild.
Credit: Design & page layout inpired by iPhone device & Yahoo! Widgets. YouTube logo is registered trademark of

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